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EMA3D v3.3.0 Detailed System Requirements

CADfix System Requirements
EMA3D system requirements for UNIX
EMA3D system requirements for Windows
Project-Specific Requirements
CADfix Compatibility

CADfix System Requirements

This page contains system requirements for EMA3D version 3.3.0. These are the system requirements for EMA3D only. CADfix (a separate software package that serves as a graphical front- and back-end to EMA3D) has its own system requirements that are separate from those listed below for EMA3D.

Consult the CADfix 7.1 Installation Guide for system requirements for CADfix.

Note that EMA3D and CADfix do not need to be used on the same computer or same type of platform, so system requirements for EMA3D and CADfix could be applied separately to two different computers; i.e., the same machine does not need to meet system requirements for both pieces of software if you are running the applications on different machines. See the EMA3D Overview.

EMA3D System Requirements - UNIX

Some system requirements are platform-specific, others are common to all variants of UNIX.

Linux (64-bit)

The 64-bit Linux version of EMA3D 3.3.0 is prepared on a 64-bit x86_64 (a.k.a Intel64 or EM64T)
Intel platform running Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.

Hardware Platform

Intel x86_64 family or AMD64 processor or compatible
system memory**
1 GB
4 GB - 8 GB

Software Platform

operating system
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3.0 (x86_64)* or compatible
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3.0 (x86_64)*

*Also compatible with SuSE Enterprise Linux Desktop 10 (SLED 10).

UNIX (all)

Hardware Platform

hard disk space (installation)
200 MB
hard disk space (user)*
25 GB
100 GB or more
system memory**
1 GB
4 GB - 8 GB
swap file size
appropriately proportional to system memory (for example, 100% to 150% of system memory size is one commonly used rule of thumb)
graphics card/display***
no graphics card or display requirement

Software Platform

graphics card/display***
no graphics card or display requirement

EMA3D System Requirements - Windows

Windows (32-bit)

Hardware Platform

Intel x86-family processor
hard disk space (installation)
160 MB
hard disk space (user)*
25 GB
100 GB or more
system memory**
500 MB
1 GB - 2 GB
swap file size
appropriately proportional to system memory (for example, 100% to 150% of system memory size is one commonly used rule of thumb)
graphics card/display
no graphics card or display requirement

Software Platform

operating system
Windows XP or Vista
Windows XP
graphics system***
no graphics requirement

Windows (64-bit)

Hardware Platform

Intel x86_64 (a.k.a. Intel64) family or AMD64 processor
hard disk space (installation)
160 MB
hard disk space (user)*
25 GB
100 GB or more
system memory**
500 MB
1 GB - 2 GB
swap file size
appropriately proportional to system memory (for example, 100% to 150% of system memory size is one commonly used rule of thumb)
graphics card/display
no graphics card or display requirement

Software Platform

operating system
Windows XP x64 or Vista x64
Windows XP x64
graphics system***
no graphics requirement


*disk space:

User disk space requirements can vary significantly depending on the size of input and output data files for a particular EMA3D problem, and the amount of space required for additional data files that may be produced in the course of pre- or post-simulation analysis. Input and output data file size can vary for the same project, depending on length of simulation, number of output probes and time-spacing of output data points, and other factors. 25 GB should give you enough space for data files for a few modest EMA3D problems; more should be allowed if you intend to do multiple simulation runs or variations on a problem, a problem with a particularly large amount of output data, or if you wish to store data files for many EMA3D problems.

**system memory:

The recommended system memory is a very rough guideline that is intended to cover most situations. The system memory requirement for EMA3D is highly project-dependent. It depends on the memory image size of a particular EMA3D problem, which can vary significantly depending on the nature of the problem and the project requirements, particularly problem space size and required spatial resolution. The EMA3D software imposes no upper limit on the possible memory image size of a problem; on the other hand, some useful EMA3D problems can be solved with only a few kilobytes of memory.

If you are familiar with Finite Difference analysis, you can estimate the memory requirement for your problem of interest, if you have an idea of the problem space size and spatial resolution you need for your project. The problem space size and spatial resolution give you the number of Finite Difference cells in each coordinate direction. Once you determine this, you can use the following formula to estimate the EMA3D problem memory image size for your project:

memory image size in bytes = 24 * (mx) * (my) * (mz)


mx = number of cells in the x-direction
my = number of cells in the y-direction
mz = number of cells in the z-direction

This formula is based on the fact that, for each Finite Difference cell, EMA3D stores a 4-byte real number for each of six field values: x-, y- and z-components of electric and magnetic field values. The formula should give you an estimate of memory image size to within 10% to 20% accuracy (other factors such as using certain boundary conditions can increase the memory image size by up to 10% to 20%).

For a more detailed discussion of memory requirements, refer to "Section 1.2.7 Computer Resources" in the EMA3D Manual #4 "Project Objectives Manual" of the EMA3D manual set.

Note that these are memory requirement suggestions for the EMA3D problem memory image size by itself, and does not include memory required by the operating system. For best performance, memory requirements for the operating system and other system software should also be taken into account, as well as memory requirements for other applications you may be running.

***graphics requirement:

EMA3D itself has no particular graphics hardware or software requirements - it can be run in an ASCII terminal mode if desired. However, EMA3D is almost always used in conjunction with CADfix, which serves as the front-end GUI for EMA3D. The CADfix system requirements should be consulted for graphics requirements for CADfix.

Project-Specific Requirements:

As noted above, system memory and disk space requirements can vary widely depending on your project. The above information is intended to be general advice that should cover most situations. If you would like additional advice on suggested system requirements for your particular application, please feel free to contact us.

CADfix Compatibility

EMA3D version 3.3.0 is designed for use with CADfix versions 6.0, 7.0, and 7.1.
CADfix is a product of ITI Transcendata Europe Ltd.

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