MHarness Features
Electromagnetic Simulation of Complex Wiring Harnesses
- EM Field Coupling to Complex Wiring Harnesses
- HIRF (High Intensity Radiated Fields) Evaluation
- Lightning Evaluation
- EMC/EMI Simulation
- MIL-STD-461 RS and CS Simulations
- DO-160 RS and CS Simulations
- Radiated Emissions
- Cross Talk Evaluation
- Signal Propagation
- Shielding and Bonding Studies
General Harness Topology
Multiple Conductors
Multiple Branches
Multiple Shielding Layers
Each segment can have properties defined in the diagram below.

- A variety of passive RLC terminations available
- Optional SPICE Interface (UNIX only) allows application of complex non-linear terminations.
- Plane wave of arbitrary angles of incidence and polarization
- Measured or numerically derived electric fields, bulk currents
- Voltage sources at ends of conductors
- Voltage sources, electric fields, anywhere on any conductor
- Library of user specified waveforms
- User specified or MHARNESS computed L and C matrices
- Connector transfer impedances can be included
- Each shield has individually specified transfer impedance.
- User specified or MHarness computed transfer impedances
- The number of wires, branches, and shields is limited only by computer resources
- Computation is in the time domain; frequency domain information is generated by supplied Fourier Analysis post-processing tools
Main MHarness page
MHarness Current Release