Changes from previous release of MHarness CD (version 3.2.1 29-Mar-2005)
MHarness solver (executable)
no changes in functionality of MHarness solver executable
minor changes in output format of some floating point numbers to show more digits
Windows only: new batch file for running MHarness from a shortcut, so that the command-line output window is retained so that the user can see output messages
Available platforms
new Linux version now available - Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3
command-line tools
command-line tools reorganized
new documentation for command-line tools:
MHarness Utilities Reference Manual
MHarness Utilities man pages (UNIX only)
source code for tools is no longer included (contact EMA if interested in source code for command-line tools)
new shortcuts (Windows)
short cut to new batch file for running MHarness, so that when running from a shortcut, the command-line output window is retained so that the user can see output messages