
We help you get your solution to market faster by using model-based design, enabling qualification by simulation and developing intelligent testing programs. Our specialty is full-system modeling that incorporates multiple levels of simulation.


EMA has developed finite difference time domain software for full-wave solutions to EM problems. Explore EMA3D and MHARNESS at the link below.

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Research and Development

Partner with EMA to bring new EMC solutions, new nanomaterial applications, or new computational codes to market.

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Company History
Electro Magnetic Applications, Inc (EMA). was incorporated in New Mexico in 1977. The President is Dr. Rodney A. Perala, a recognized authority in electromagnetic effects. Corporate headquarters are located in Denver, Colorado.

In its early years, EMA focused on the effects of nuclear weapon induced ionizing and non ionizing (Nuclear Electromagnetic Pulse) radiation on a wide variety of military and civilian systems, as well as lightning effects upon systems. These efforts  included the analysis, hardening  and testing of systems such as the Space Shuttle, military and civilian aircraft, various missiles (e.g., Minuteman, Peacekeeper, Trident, Pershing, and many smaller systems), ships, tanks, armored personnel carriers, strategic and mobile  Command, Control and Communication (C3) facilities. EMA made essential contributions to the understanding and prevention of the ignition of solid rocket propellants due to electrostatic fields induced during handling. These activities were carried out both in the USA and in Western Europe; additional global involvement included the participation on international standards and safety committees, such as the SAE AE4L Lightning Committee, the SAE AE4R High Intensity Radiated Fields (HIRF) Committee, and others.

In recent years, EMA has expanded  its focus to commercial applications of electromagnetics. In the aerospace industry, these have included a variety of aircraft EME (Electromagnetic Effects) certification projects with activitities ranging from full-size aircraft coupling analyses to the calculation of voltages and currents induced at the board level in avionics subsystems. The EM concerns of these projects included llightning, HIRF and EMI/EMC. For ground based systems, lightning protection and mitigation of power line induction effects for railroad signal and communications systems have been areas of significant activitiy. EMA's experience in EM analysis has also been made available on a wider basis through the development and sales of powerful, user-friendly EM simulation software and a wider range of consultancy on electromagnetic R&D matters.

Pershing II
EMA Proved ESD as Cause of Pershing II Fires

Cargo Lifter
EMA Studied Lightning Triggering for German Cargo Lifter

EMA Performed Full-Scale Lightning Testing on an F14