In recent years, EMA has expanded its focus to commercial applications of electromagnetics. In the aerospace industry, these have included a variety of aircraft EME (Electromagnetic Effects) certification projects with activitities ranging from full-size aircraft coupling analyses to the calculation of voltages and currents induced at the board level in avionics subsystems. The EM concerns of these projects included llightning, HIRF and EMI/EMC. For ground based systems, lightning protection and mitigation of power line induction effects for railroad signal and communications systems have been areas of significant activitiy. EMA's experience in EM analysis has also been made available on a wider basis through the development and sales of powerful, user-friendly EM simulation software and a wider range of consultancy on electromagnetic R&D matters.

EMA Studied Lightning Triggering for German Cargo Lifter

EMA Performed Full-Scale Lightning Testing on an F14