
We help you get your solution to market faster by using model-based design, enabling qualification by simulation and developing intelligent testing programs. Our specialty is full-system modeling that incorporates multiple levels of simulation.

Nanomaterials for EMC Applications Consulting Services

Emerging materials such as carbon nanotubes, metallic nanowires, thin films, and new types of conducting polymers are poised to provide improvements in aerospace vehicle performance through their extraordinary transport, structural and optical properties. EMA is helping bridge the gap between laboratory and integration through our unique expertise in nanomaterial processing and knowledge of their properties combined with our long history of strength in electromagnetic modeling and measurement.

EMA3D is a parallel, finite-difference solver that has been developed and used for many years in aerospace EMC applications. The small feature size of nanomaterial domains require pushing back previous limits for EM simulation, enabling EMA to simulate multilayer materials, each layer containing anisotropic and nonlinear conductivity derived from mesoscale models or experiment.

Contact EMA to discuss how we can help you advance new materials for EMC applications.
