EMA3D Features
Premier 3D Electromagnetic Simulation
EMA3D is a powerful 3D numerical solution of Maxwell’s curl
equations based on the time-domain finite-difference method in
rectangular coordinates. It has application to nearly any EM
coupling, radiating or interaction problem. Typical applications
EMI/EMC interaction
High Intensity Radiated Fields (HIRF)
Lightning interaction
Antenna analysis
Shielding calculations
Coupling to aircraft
Printed circuit board EMC
High power microwave
Biomedical electromagnetics
Nuclear Electromagnetic Pulse
Microwave/millimeter wave
Multi port network analysis
Monolithic integrated circuit (MMIC) design and
Wideband or pulsed CW RCS
Basic capabilities and features of EMA3D version 3
Perfect electric conductors
Lossless or lossy dielectric media (electromagnetic parameters
can be
Thin wires (resistive loads and resistance per unit
Thin gaps
Frequency dependent surface and transfer impedances of lossy
surfaces (e.g., carbon fiber materials)
Time varying air conductivity
Caused by air breakdown (corona)
Electron, positive and negative ion fluid model
Two choices: with or without allowable space charge (with or
without convective derivative)
Useful for gamma ray interaction with air; air
Boundary Conditions
Perfect conductor
Mur, Fang-Mei
Low frequency magnetostatic
As many as 6 symmetry planes allowed.
Sources: voltage, current, current density, magnetic current
density, electric fields, magnetic fields, plane
Plane wave sources for objects
In free space
Over lossy earth
On or within lossy earth
Frequency domain post processing
Fourier transforms
Transfer functions
Input impedances
Radar Cross Section
Filtered results
Input, reflected, and available powers
Far Field extrapolation
In free space
Over perfectly conducting ground plane
For radiated emissions, antenna patterns, scattering cross
Sub grid feature in two steps
Advanced capabilities and features of EMA3D version 3
Independently variable mesh in
2D solutions for any two of the Cartesian coordinate
Thin gaps can contain any material, including non-linear
Self consistent surface and transfer impedances for thin sheets,
such as ITO (indium tin oxide) coatings or carbon fiber
Improved thin wire algorithm
Availability of a variety of
passive terminations
Imbedded in any kind of medium
User specified inductance per unit length
Functions with symmetry planes
Isotropic electric and magnetic materials with
dependence. That is, electromagnetic parameters
can all be represented with
a set of any number of user defined 1st
and 2nd
order rational
Anisotropic electric and magnetic materials with user defined
frequency-independent tensor elements
Additional boundary conditions
Low frequency electrostatic
Perfect magnetic conductor
Periodic in
or in any combination
Different boundary conditions can be applied to each boundary
Inclusion of any number of implicitly meshed isotropic linear or
non-linear media.
These “background media” are not meshed in the GUI, but
are implicitly meshed in the solver, greatly reducing size of the meshed
In addition to the probes already available which can be used to
import results into CADfix, other powerful probes are now available which produce 3D
results and geometry visualizations directly from the solver itself, as well as
column formatted ASCII data files
Screen Probe: allows the user to write certain electromagnetic
quantities to the computer screen (or to a log file) such as
components of the electric and magnetic fields, thin wire currents,
and thin gap voltages.
Time and Frequency Domain Probe: similar to the Screen Probe, with
the addition of frequency domain results, such as the fast Fourier
transform and transfer functions. The frequency domain results are
computed “on the fly” and written to column formatted
data files at the end of the simulation. A Prony algorithm option
is also provided.
Bulk Current Probe: allows the user to output the total current on
surfaces or volumes containing several nodes.
Picture Probe: allows the user to create time domain or frequency
domain (FFT, transfer functions) pictures of the
electromagnetic behavior of the structure being
Slice Probe: allows the user to create time domain or frequency
domain (FFT, transfer functions) pictures of the electromagnetic behavior on slices through the finite difference
problem space.
Structure Probe: allows the user to create Postscript files of the
structure being modeled. The user has the ability to specify what
material or structures are desired and the corresponding
Fine Structure Probe: creates a text file displaying the material
or geometry at each field component location. This is useful if one
wants a detailed understanding of the structure being