For this example, it is desired to determine the transfer function between the induced wire current at a certain location in a wire harness in the automobile (designated in this model as "node 5733"), and a plane wave incident from the top and polarized parallel to the car’s axis of travel. The screen shot above shows the automibile model with the location of node 5733 indicated. The three plots below illustrate the process. The first plot is of the time domain Gaussian pulse used as the incident waveform. The next shows the wire current computed at node 5733 by EMA3D. The EMA3D post processing utilities are used to easily compute the transfer function between the two waveforms, plotted in dB A/(v/m)/Hz in the third plot shown. Broadband spectral information is obtained with one time domain simulation.

Electro Magnetic Applications, Inc
7655 W. Mississippi Ave., Suite 300, Lakewood, CO USA 80226
phone: 303-980-0070, fax: 303-980-0836